Saturday Oct 28, 2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Wheelchair racers are welcome and will start at 8:45 a.m,- prior to the 9 a.m. runner/walker start.
Stratham Hill Park Rt. 33 Stratham, NH US 03885
The Great Bay 5K is excited to be celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2023! The GB5K is the final race in the popular Seacoast Road Race Series and supports the non-profit Great Bay Stewards. The course passes the shores of Great Bay, and is a fun, fast, scenic, and mostly downhill event. Again in 2023, you can run or walk or use your wheelchair at the Great Bay 5K, or you can participate in the virtual 5K on any course you choose between October 1 - 28. The accompanying Great Bay 55K Challenge represents the distance of a route around Great Bay; participants can complete the mileage in a day or do it in segments, logging miles in as many days as needed between October 1 and October 28. You'll be able to see on the Leader Board how your total miles compare to others doing this virtual race. Complete the Great Bay 55K Challenge anywhere you want: on some or all of the mapped course; around your neighborhood or a local lake; on a trail or a treadmill. Look for emails prior to race day about how to log your results for both races. You can also register for both virtual events: the virtual Great Bay 5K and the Great Bay 55K! Wheelchair racers are welcome and will start at 8:45 a.m,- prior to the 9 a.m. runner/walker start. No motorized wheelchairs are permitted, and wheelchair racers are responsible for maintaining their own equipment Participants in the 5K events will receive a long-sleeve race shirt; participants in the 55K will receive an awesome race hat, and everyone will get a bib with tear strips that you can take to select establishments for free beer/cider and free oysters. Please keep in mind that you must register by October 1 to get a race shirt or hat. People who register after that may claim a shirt if any are left over on race day. All proceeds from the Great Bay 5K and 55K go to the non-profit Great Bay Stewards, which supports conservation, education, community outreach, stewardship, and research of the Great Bay estuary.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the The Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth for more information.
500 Market St., Portsmouth, NH 03801 – (603) 610-5510 –