TriState Earth Day Cleanups, presented by Kennebunk Savings
Date and Time
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Information and signup: https://www.blueoceansociety.org/blog/tristate-earth-day-cleanups-presented-by-kennebunk-savings/
Saturday, April 22 (various locations, shown below):
Full list of cleanup sites and meeting times: 8 am - 10 am, Plum Island (Newbury, MA) Free parking has been arranged at the Plum Island Tax Payers Association (PITA) at 8 Plum Island Boulevard, Newbury. Meet at the parking lot of Georgie's Ice Cream. 9:30 am - 11:30 am, Wells Beach & Drake's Island (Wells, ME) Co-hosted by Wells Police Department Meet at the Wells Activity Center at 113 Sanford Rd. From there, we discuss the cleanup procedures and safety notes, have donuts from Congdons, break into groups, and head to the different beaches. 10 am - 12 noon, Old Orchard Beach (Old Orchard Beach, Maine) Co-hosted by Maine Conservation Alliance Free public parking is available in the Miliken Street Lot. Walk about 0.5 miles south down the beach to meet in front of Palace Playland, where you can sign in and wait for a short introduction, including cleanup procedures, and we will head down the beach together to begin cleaning. 10 am - 12 noon, Peirce Island (Portsmouth, NH) Cohosted by The Refill Station and GreenMaids Free public parking is available in the Four Tree Island Parking lot. 11 am - 1 pm, Seacoast Science Center (Odiorne Point State Park, Rye, NH) Clean the beach after the Rescue Run: Race of Marine Mammals! Meet at the Blue Ocean Society table near the entrance of the Seacoast Science Center. Please note there are parking fees set by NH State Parks to enter Odiorne Point State Park for this cleanup. REGISTRATION REQUIRED at: www.blueoceansociety.org/cleanup
Admission is free.
Earth Day is Saturday, April 22. Join other community members at a local beach for beach cleanups hosted by Blue Ocean Society and its partners.
Cleanups will be offered at beaches from Wells, Maine to Newbury, Mass., including on Peirce Island in Portsmouth and at Odiorne Point State Park in Rye. Families, individuals, and groups are all welcome to attend. Kennebunk Savings is the major sponsor of this event.
Full list of cleanup sites and meeting times:
8 am - 10 am
Plum Island (Newbury, MA)
Free parking has been arranged at the Plum Island Tax Payers Association (PITA) at 8 Plum Island Boulevard, Newbury. Meet at the parking lot of Georgie's Ice Cream.
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Wells Beach & Drake's Island (Wells, ME)
Co-hosted by Wells Police Department
Meet at the Wells Activity Center at 113 Sanford Rd. From there, we discuss the cleanup procedures and safety notes, have donuts from Congdons, break into groups, and head to the different beaches.
10 am - 12 noon
Old Orchard Beach (Old Orchard Beach, Maine)
Co-hosted by Maine Conservation Alliance
Free public parking is available in the Miliken Street Lot. Walk about 0.5 miles south down the beach to meet in front of Palace Playland, where you can sign in and wait for a short introduction, including cleanup procedures, and we will head down the beach together to begin cleaning.
10 am - 12 noon
Peirce Island (Portsmouth, NH)
Cohosted by The Refill Station and GreenMaids
Free public parking is available in the Four Tree Island Parking lot.
11 am - 1 pm
Seacoast Science Center (Odiorne Point State Park, Rye, NH)
Clean the beach after the Rescue Run: Race of Marine Mammals! Meet at the Blue Ocean Society table near the entrance of the Seacoast Science Center. Please note there are parking fees set by NH State Parks to enter Odiorne Point State Park for this cleanup.
REGISTRATION REQUIRED at: www.blueoceansociety.org/cleanup