Morning Mixer Hosted by the Gundalow Company
Date and Time
Friday Aug 12, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM EDT
Friday, Aug. 12, from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.
On the deck of the Gundalow Piscataqua
At the end of Water Street in Prescott Park
Portsmouth NH 03801
Free for members and non-members
Contact Information
Nate Hastings
Send Email

Please join us for the Morning Mixer hosted by the Gundalow Company aboard the Piscataqua.
Today, the nonprofit Gundalow Company’s mission “to protect the Piscataqua Region’s maritime heritage and environment through education and action” is more important than ever. Thousands of students each year spend a few hours sailing onboard the world’s only Piscataqua Gundalow. They learn how gundalows were built here to carry lumber, salt marsh hay, oysters, bricks, pipe staves and coal on the shallow rivers where big ships could not go. Through a series of hands-on activities, students get a glimpse of the past 300 years on the working waterfront, and explore issues like water quality, habitat protection, stewardship, navigation.
It is our belief that the Gundalow Company is well-positioned to collaborate with partners to generate publicity, awareness, and action relating to the health of the Piscataqua Maritime Region and the Great Bay Estuary. Looking ahead, the Gundalow Company aims to be a leader in efforts to inspire stewardship of the Piscataqua Region’s environmental and maritime legacies. Our strategic alliances with a number of organizations within the Piscataqua Watershed serve to protect its “sense of place.”