Lunchtime Mixer at Stoneface Brewing Co.
Date and Time
Wednesday Feb 15, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Stoneface Brewing Co.
436 Shattuck Way, Newington
Free for Members
Contact Information
Nate Hastings
Send Email

The Chamber's Lunchtime Mixer Series moves into Phase II! And on Feb. 15, it's at one of our great Seacoast breweries: Stoneface Brewing Co.
Brewed and packaged in Newington, their production facility currently includes a 15 BBL Brewhouse, 5 BBL Pilot System, and Foeder & Barrel Program.
Their brews—including their mighty IPA—are shared throughout New England, and beyond.
So, join us Feb. 15--this program will follow a similar format to our very popular Morning Mixers (but will take place over lunchtime!)
This is a great opportunity for folks who would like to participate in networking events but are not able to join us for the Morning Mixer or Business After Hours.
Please note that advanced registration is required so our hosts can be ready for us.
Wednesday, Feb. 15, noon to 1 p.m.