Thursday Sep 26, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Strawbery Banke Museum, 14 Hancock St., Portsmouth
Members $15; Nonmembers $20
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When the Lions Write History Thursday, September 26, 2024, 6-7 PM Wendell Phillips wrote “when the lions write history” in the 1845 introduction to Frederick Douglass’s first autobiography The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Join Dr. Noelle Trent, president & CEO of the Museum of African American History | Boston & Nantucket, for a thought-provoking and informative lecture that combines her passion for history with her professional expertise to craft empowering experiences about Black history. Drawing on generations of interpreting, preserving, and conserving African American culture and history, Dr. Trent will discuss the history, future opportunities, and significance of preserving Black history in New England. Members $15; Nonmembers $20. About the Mark Connolly Distinguished Speaker Series: The Mark Connolly Distinguished Speaker Series honors the legacy of Mark Connolly, a former Strawbery Banke Museum Trustee and prominent figure in finance, literature, and politics. In April 2019, following his passing, the Museum embarked on a mission to commemorate Connolly's memory and continue his dedication to intellectual discourse and civic engagement. Connolly’s varied career, including roles as Director of the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities, an accomplished author, and a Democratic candidate for Governor, exemplified his unwavering commitment to public service and belief in the transformative power of education and dialogue. Inspired by Connolly’s enduring spirit, Strawbery Banke initiated the distinguished lecture series to provide a platform for leading national speakers to explore a wide range of topics, from history and art to politics and current events. The Mark Connolly Distinguished Speakers Series aims to spark thought-provoking discussions and nurture intellectual curiosity within the community, ensuring that Connolly's legacy of civic responsibility and the pursuit of knowledge continues to inspire future generations.
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