Friday Sep 20, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM EDT
Fri, Sept 20 from 6-8pm
Portsmouth Middle School - Cafe
Pre-registration: $5 res/$10 non res by 5pm on Sept 18 Pay at the door $10 res/$15.
Portsmouth Rec: 603-427-1547
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Dance the night away while DJ Rec plays music from Taylor Swift and her friends...Katy Perry, Pink, Adele, Miley, and more! Wear your most sparkly outfit or your favorite Taylor concert attire. DJ has spent 8-weeks of summer camp perfecting the most dance worthy playlist and is ready for a fun night of dancing and sing-a-longs. Location: Portsmouth Middle School Cafeteria Friday, September 20 from 6-8pm. Pre-registration: $5 res/$10 non res by 5pm on Sept 18 or pay at the door $10 res/$15. Sold out last year! Don't delay in getting your tickets.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the The Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth for more information.
500 Market St., Portsmouth, NH 03801 – (603) 610-5510 –