Fall Basketballl Family Festival
Date and Time
Saturday Oct 22, 2022
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
1-4 PM
Contact Information
BJ at Play Practice Basketball
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Play Practice Basketball in Portsmouth, NH is very excited to host our first Fall B-ball Family Festival!
Hosted for our Play Practice Basketball/Seacoast Hoops Lab Family, and their friends and families!
This is a great opportunity to get the kids out to enjoy some fall festivity favorites, play some basketball with friends, and designed to get the whole family participating in some fun!
This will be a free event, and everyone is welcome! Siblings, friends, family, bring everyone out and let your players show you what they got!
Has mom or dad been bragging about their basketball skills to the kids and you want to make him prove it? Are the kids dying to show you how they can crush the competition in a free throw contest?
There will be fun for the whole family, and a great chance to come check out the gym! Great for all ages, and it's free, so invite your friends!!
We will have everything from a mini court for the littles, facepainting, Cornhole, Family Games, Basketball games and competitions, Cider and baked goods, it's literally an afternoon for the whole family!