EXHIBIT: The Matter of Memory
Date and Time
Monday Apr 1, 2024 Sunday Nov 3, 2024
Open seven days a week, 10 am - 5 pm
Single Site Admission (either Portsmouth Historical Society or John Paul Jones House) Dual Site Admission (Portsmouth Historical Society and John Paul Jones House)
$10 General / $5 Discount / $15 Family / Free for members
$15 General / $10 Discount / $20 Family / Free for members
Discount tickets are available for children 5-18, seniors over 63, students, and Portsmouth residents. Free admission to children under 5.
Contact Information
Sabina Ion, Marketing Manager
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Objects of all kinds have long been a means of remembering the past in a tangible way. Museums, especially history museums, are often the guardians of these objects of the past. But what we remember, and how we remember it, has changed dramatically over the course of generations. New research, shifts in collecting strategies, and interpretive exhibitions have begun to explore and document more fully the stories of marginalized groups and overlooked minorities, as many museums strive to tell a more inclusive story of the past.
This exhibition encourages visitors to look at how different categories of items have been used as tools for remembering the past. The first floor is curated by the Portsmouth Historical Society featuring many objects from their collection, while the second floor includes a contemporary response to memory and remembrance presented by the NH Art Association.