EXHIBIT/TALK: First in the Nation: New Hampshire Presidential Primaries - 1920 to 2020
Date and Time
Friday Feb 16, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM EST
On Feb. 16, the opening reception of the Portsmouth Athenaeum's* exhibit, "First in the Nation: New Hampshire Presidential Primaries - 1920 to 2020," by co-curators Mary-Jo Monusky, Ceal Anderson, and Mara Witzling, will take place in the Randall Gallery. The reception runs from 4 to 7 p.m.
At 5 p.m., retired Associated Press photographer Jim Cole will host a gallery talk on photographs in the exhibit.
This exhibit will cover the history of the Granite State’s primaries for 100 years, featuring the memorabilia from many personal collections and photographs of local photographers Jim Cole, Renee Giffroy, Roger Goun, and Michael Sterling. Film and music producer Dennis Kleinman of “Reading Rainbow” fame has created a video montage of presidential campaign songs throughout the years. An extensive collection of election posters, photographs, campaign buttons and swag, and other political memorabilia will be on display.
From Feb. 16 through June 29, the free exhibit is open the Randall Gallery from Tuesday – Saturday between 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
*The Portsmouth Athenauem is a non-profit membership library, gallery, and archive, incorporated in 1817 and located in the heart of historic Portsmouth at 9 Market Square. The Randall Gallery, open to the public during gallery events, is on the third floor.