Dawnland StoryFest at Strawbery Banke Museum
Date and Time
Saturday Nov 5, 2022
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022, 10 AM-5 PM
Strawbery Banke Museum, 14 Hancock St., Portsmouth, NH
Free to attend with a $10 suggested donation
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Dawnland StoryFest New Hampshire's annual Native American storytelling festival Saturday, November 5, 2022, 10 AM-5 PM in the TYCO Visitors Center Lecture Hall at Strawbery Banke Museum About the festival: Strawbery Banke hosts Dawnland StoryFest in connection with the Museum’s permanent “People of the Dawnland” exhibit. This daylong event at the Museum features storytelling “concerts” or performances by five experienced Indigenous storytellers and a keynote address. The 2022 Keynote Speaker is Gayle Ross (Cherokee). Her storytelling concert and keynote will also be broadcast on Zoom at 3 PM for virtual attendees. Additionally, attendees are invited to attend a “Swapping Grounds” story-sharing session to share a prepared traditional Native American lesson story or listen. Dawnland StoryFest 2022 Traditional Storytellers: Gayle Ross, Cherokee Anne Jennison, of European & Abenaki Heritage Darlene Kascak, Schaghticoke Tribal Nation Hears Crow (Nootauau Kaukontuoh - "She Hears the Crow"), Narragansett Tradition Louise Profeit-LeBlanc (Tse Duna - “The Beaver Woman”), Na-Cho Nyak Dun First Nation Jonathan Cummings Registration: Public registration begins Monday, October 3, 2022, at 10 AM. Members/Nonmembers: Free to attend with a suggested donation of $10 Space is limited both in person and for the live stream of the keynote address via Zoom and advance registration is strongly recommended. Cancellation Policy: Due to the limited capacity of this event, there can be no refunds.