Date and Time
Saturday Oct 1, 2022
6:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
10/1/2022, 6am-4pm
Seacoast Science Center, 570 Ocean Blvd, Rye NH
$15 per adult (ages 12 and up), $10 per child ages 3-11 and free for children ages 2 and under.; SSC members participate at no cost.
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BioBlitz is an annual dawn-to-dusk biological survey of Odiorne Point State Park, where families and nature enthusiasts team up with SSC naturalists and guest experts to explore its habitats to find and identify as many different species as possible in one day. BioBlitz is a great way to excite kids about science, learn about biodiversity, and discover how to help protect our natural world. Like an extreme nature scavenger hunt, BioBlitz offers exciting opportunities for all ages to gain knowledge and hone skills in their favorite areas of nature! Habitat, plant, and animal explorations are scheduled throughout the day, allowing participants to choose among activities that interest them the most. With seven distinct natural habitats to survey, there’s something for everyone! SSC’s Gregg Interactive Learning Studio serves as BioBlitz home base and is the field lab for the day. Here, participants can observe some of the smallest species through microscopes, see amazing images of finds from past years, learn about the species identification process, and connect with scientists and expert naturalists. The total number of species identified since our first BioBlitz in 2003 tops 2,520 and continues to grow every year. This valuable catalogue serves as a snapshot of biodiversity of our region. Participation and contributions to our data set will not only help us monitor biodiversity, it will also help us provide countless educational opportunities for school children, families and groups. BioBlitz registration for non-members is $15 per adult (ages 12 and up), $10 per child ages 3-11 and free for children ages 2 and under. The registration fee includes entry into Odiorne Point State Park as well as entry to the Science Center. Seacoast Science Center members can participate at no cost but pre-registration is encouraged.